API Configuration

The API is best configured using a Window’s style INI file. It is common to configure the API by supplying the name of the INI on a call Session.create_from_ini_file(). If no filename is provided then the Session will look for a file called .bidfx/api/config.ini in the user’s home directory.

Configuration methods

There are three ways to provide a configuration for the API:

  1. by using a default config file located in your home directory
  2. specifying a named config file from any location
  3. creating a config in code.

Default configuration

For convenience, all of configuration items may be provided through a single configuration object. The API uses a ConfigParser to read its configuration from a Windows-style INI file.

The config file is commonly located at $HOME/.bidfx/api/config.ini. When using the default INI file location, the Session can be created and configured as follows.

from bidfx import Session
session = Session.create_from_ini_file()

Non-standard configuration file

The config file location may be changed by passing a in file name to Session.create_from_ini_file().

from bidfx import Session
session = Session.create_from_ini_file("./my_config.ini")

Configuration in code

The ConfigParser can be built directly in code if preferred, then passed into the Session constructor as follows.

from bidfx import Session
from configparser import ConfigParser
config_parser = ConfigParser()
# configure config manually
session = Session(config_parser)

INI file sections

There is four sections in the configuration INI file:

  • [DEFAULT] - defines shared properties such as host and port.
  • [Exclusive Pricing] - is for overrides and properties particular to Exclusive Pricing (Pixie protocol).
  • [Shared Pricing] - is for overrides and properties particular to Shared Pricing (Puffin protocol).

Default section

The [DEFAULT] section provides default properties that are shared by the other sections. At present all four protocols can be accessed by tunnelling via a single host on secure port 443. The required user credentials are also the same for all usages of the API. These data can therefore be defined once in the [DEFAULT] section of the configuration. Should this situation change then it is possible to override default settings in the each specific sections.

Shared pricing section

Shared Pricing, as the name suggests, is pricing which is shared between many users. An example of shared pricing is Exchange Listed Futures; all exchange members receive the same shared price stream. The BixFX API currently implements the Puffin protocol for subscribing to shared pricing via a Puffin server.

The configuration of the Price Provider for shared pricing requires the following properties:

  • host
  • port
  • username
  • password

Exclusive pricing section

Exclusive pricing by contrast is not shared across users. It is exclusive to one particular user or group of users. Tradable FX OTC prices direct from liquidity providers are exclusive to the subscribing user. The BixFX API currently implements the Pixie protocol for subscribing to exclusive pricing from BidFX price servers.

The configuration of the Price Provider for exclusive pricing uses the following properties:

  • host
  • port
  • username
  • password
  • product_serial
  • default_account
  • min_interval

Example INI config file

# The host and port number of the BidFX service to connect to.
host = api.ld.bidfx.biz
port = 443

# Provide the API login credentials provided by your BidFX account manager.
username = smartcorp_api
password = 4EL77HqPC2W8hQut

# If you have an API serial key then set it below otherwise leave it blank.
# product_serial = aad33247deffe2aa2832001f

[Exclusive Pricing]
# Use this section to override DEFAULT settings for user-exclusive pricing.

# When subscribing to user-exclusive quotes, the prices consumed may vary by account.
# A default account is defined here for use no explicit account has been provided.
default_account = GIVE_UP_ACCT

# The minimum price publication interval is given below in milliseconds.
min_interval = 500

[Shared Pricing]
# Use this section to override DEFAULT settings for use with shared pricing.